High Plains Biochar Accepted to the Air Miners Launchpad
National program designed to accelerate startups in the carbon-removal industry.
High Plains Biochar Accepted to the Air Miners Launchpad

Laramie, Wyo.-based startup High Plains Biochar is proud to have been accepted to the Air Miners Launchpad, a national program designed to accelerate startups in the carbon-removal industry.
Air Miners Launchpad began in 2017 and was developed in partnership with XPRIZE and Creative Destruction Lab. It is a 6-week program for early teams or individuals interested in entering the $100M XPRIZE contest.
High Plains Biochar is one of 30 companies from around the world to be selected to participate.
High Plains Biochar's patent-pending RocketChar technology creates biochar -- a charcoal-like substance typically used as a soil amendment -- using a true carbon-negative and energy-efficient pyrolysis process. The company is based in Laramie Wyoming. The founder, Rowdy Yeatts, has participated in the gBETA Wyoming startup accelerator, the REACH Energy Accelerator, and the Innosphere Ventures startup mentoring program. The company has also completed several university research projects, and studies have proven its technology's clean emissions and low power usage. High Plains Biochar has also completed LCA calculations for the patent-pending RockChar technology.
"I'm thrilled to have been offered this opportunity to not only grow High Plains Biochar, but to contribute to creating a cleaner climate," Yeatts said. "It's exciting to think that this technology out of Laramie could make the whole world better, cleaner and more efficient."
The Air Miners program began Sept 5 and concludes with a chance to compete for the XPRIZE after the 6 weeks program.
Contact Rowdy Yeatts at Rowdy@HPBiochar.com for more information.